‘March’ in to contemplate the operational software of our individual lives. Our mindset is the composite of components shaping how we live our life.The state of our mindset forms the a crucial foundation for a meaningful & successful life. Think of it as the life compass with the set points for the direction of our life. It is also the source that energizes us to seek expanding our knowledge & skill capacity as we determine & pursue our priority goals to fruition.
The first step is to assess & gauge the operational software that is our mindset. With awareness & a Success Calibration System process, each of its components is malleable & can be calibrated to better serve us.
How would you rate the state of your mindset?Is it one focused on effort towards growth & achievement or fixed, with a tight grip on maintaining the status quo?
If you have yet to plan, prepare, & create structure for this new year – now is a perfect time to get your strategic mindset on making this an outstanding year.
January is the ‘fresh start’ time to review & renew our aspirations with top goals for the year. What are your key goals for the year & what metrics will you use to chart progress?
Yes we all face the daily life whirlwind with obligations demanding attention and at times the challenges of unexpected dramas & circumstances that yank us away from our accomplishment goals. When achieved, priority goals deliver a signifiant quality of life difference.
Here are several strategy tips to remain on target:
Plan & structure your schedule with dedicated time blocks for laser focus on top priorities. Make that time sacrosanct – for working however long is possible on one of the key goals.
Focus on the important & manage the urgent. Avoid the rabbit holes & shiny objects that unwittingly turn into time & energy deficits.
New beginnings deliver a clean lens to view potential new opportunities for forward focus towards progress & growth on the goals of significance that matter most!
2024 is delivering a bounty of boxed gift sets. Yes, that’s 12 months, 52 weeks, 7 days per week, with 24 hours per day. That’s a total value of 366 gifts. A treasure of opportunities not to be squandered.
So – what will you do with each hour of each day, within each week, and each month? You can invest the time, energy & focus so it compounds into a priority focus mindset leading to a successful year. Or, just haphazardly spend & let it slip away.
To use those gifts working to impact & influence all that is within your control is a choice. It’s a decision to calibrate your focus for the shift into working on what matters leading to what you define as success. To make this a successful year begins when your focus on your priorities and undertake what you can with those gifts of time. To pursue and progress in achieving meaningful goals creates a cascade of valuable change. The biggest positive change with the highest ROI is the one that takes place within you, and the evolution of who you become.
“We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” C. S. LEWIS
To begin a new year with setting priority goals is important. Creating a structure to review & assess at various points throughout the year can prove even more crucial.
We’re just past the mid-year point of 2023. Good time to pause & assess. What have you given up on already or find yourself fiercely sticking to without evident merit? Pause & mentally dust yourself off to rethink your strategy or process. What aspects need to change to head toward a better path?
“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.” Lao Tzu
It all begins within our mindset; reflecting, correcting & perhaps shifting what felt solid at the start of the year. Expectations for the goals set, the direction to get there, & the timeline for achievement.
To be able to reflect on what’s been achieved thus far, progress made, helps to determine what’s working & what isn’t. Will the current direction prove effective? OR is now a good point in time to recalibrate? Time to enlist the help of an objective trusted friend, colleague or professional for input & coaching to chart the best path forward. What variable would have the greatest impact for progression to make the most with the remainder of this year.
“Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” Johann Goethe
When you identify & determine your priorities you stand on a rock solid foundation. That foundation gives power to your decisions & better follow through to sustain your attention & focus on those identified priorities to achieve the success goals that matter most to you. That’s a priority focused mindset!
Is your focus aimed on your priorities or are they taking a back seat to all the miscellaneous competing alternatives?
Awesome August to all this 1st Friday of the month!
Today is a great day to put in place a strategy to make this a stellar month. Start out by deciding on a few things you can do today to prep & launch into a smooth next week?
Some ideas to consider:
1. Review your top initiatives for the month.
2. Identify priorities & sequence of steps supporting those initiatives.
3. Schedule them into your calendar as no miss appointments to work on them.
What can you add to your success routine for setting a productivity flow.
To find our daily bright spots we need to consciously look for them. To shine a light on life’s bright spots energizes us & lifts our spirits for a bit of reprieve from some of the rough weeks we’ve all experienced. Holding on to the wonders of this world not only get us through but helps us cherish the small delights. Connecting to those simple bright spots eases the way when emotions are raw & life feels harsh beyond measure on so many levels.
Personally, on these summer days – I begin with a soothing cup of coffee as I immerse in a multitude of green shades accompanied by a chirping symphony from a flight of feathered friends. To greet the sunrise each day affirms & helps us acknowledge that life, along with nature is filled with awesome splendors we can find solace & joy. To identify & name life’s bright spots – we can then hold & use them to ground us, even when our personal or collective world axes feel out of whack.
It’s #YourLife#TakeCharge! Powerful & so crucial to remember – yet easy to forget. Especially when initiating work on a major goal or project, while facing the overwhelm of consistent challenges. Keep your focus on the mission – the why of your goal to feel grounded & more in charge.
What is one step you can take NOW to begin building a better mindset?
From Abraham Lincoln ~ “I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday “
To Thich Nhat Hanh ~ “ Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion. ”
The ‘wisdom of the ages’ message is clear – as each day unfolds before us, we are blessed to have another day.
Gone: 24 days – 341 remaining this year. Each moment within each day is an opportunity. To acknowledge our humanity. To be kind to ourselves & others.
Only by striving day by day can we realize the full potential of our limitless capability capacity – to learn, grow, achieve, appreciate & be grateful.
“I have a dream…” Martin Luther King Jr turned vision & dream into a goal, turning personal resolve into a collective revolution. Hi vision & dream continues to bring change beyond what the status quo was in our country. He demonstrated patience with the understanding that big changes seldom happen overnight. His enduring legacy empowers & motivate us to keep striving & working on what matters personally and globally. As we pay tribute to his lifetime of dedication & what he started – we also recognize that much yet remains in need of change.
Taking that inspiration to a personal level, our own dream begins with a vision. When a dream is formulated into a goal it can progress in real life, with metrics and benchmark targets to keep us moving forward, orienting us in the right direction toward that vision.
‘Soaring from vision into reality’
Goals are powerful motivators when founded on the power of our values, deep convictions, and desires. Our activities become choices that transform us, the way we live and impact the communities that shape our world and beyond.
Life goals help us improve specific aspects about ourselves, as well as specific areas in our personal and/or professional life. The pursuit of our goals helps us score internal points, building confidence and self-trust. Goals are about following through on objectives, tasks and the specifics we identified that need to be done to bridge the gap from where we stand in the present, to a future where our aspirations materialize.
Effective goals keep us stretching and reaching towards the vision of not only what we seek, but more importantly the why we want our life to move in a particular direction. We each have a dream waiting to be fulfilled and when put into action that cherished dream can be the catalyst for the change we seek. To invest our creative energy, and resources, fueled with passion and the tenacity of deep commitment, in pursuit of our dreams for meaningful success. That collectively creates a cascade of positive change not only in our world, but in the world at large.
Have you identified what and why you are committed to achieving daily, each month, every quarter, and the remainder of this year? To develop and set goals with strategies & a process to implement them infuses vitality in your daily routine for momentum launching this brand new year and seeing it through to culmination of unparalleled achievement.
To your success in everything meaningful that matters most!
“Ultimately, each person chooses whether he comes out of the tumbler crushed or polished.” Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
We all find ourselves in overwhelm or the paralysis of feeling stuck at some point. The saving lifeline is in having clarity with focus on our priorities. Determining what is most important is foundational. A priority focused mindset anchors that & becomes as a ballast to what matters most to us! A priority focused mindset help in homing in on the important goals & the strategic steps to propel us forward beyond overwhelm or paralysis. Having meaningful goals generates intrinsic motivation. Priority goals require the support of solid plans & structures helping to sustain our focus. Making the important central in our schedules help us honor the decisions made to achieve them, anchoring our commitments, guiding us beyond the demands, whirlwind and overwhelm from everything else going on in life.
Success in life, whether abundant or lacking, tends to correlate with the consistency of of our choices and decisions. The ones many we make, the ones we avoid, and the ones we are ignorant about. Life is indeed full of them. Our personal and professional growth & success balances on our grasp of our identified priorities & the level of confidence we have regarding how and where we habitually choose to focus our attention with the actions we take.
A priority focused mindset serves as a compass for executing on these priority goals. It is a guiding system & an inherent process for transcending obstacles, challenges, and circumstances. It provides a forward focus for planning, anticipating, perceiving & responding differently when the disruptions of change or the unexpected happen. That mindset is shaped with internal motivation, to keep progressing towards the goals that matter most for progressive growth into our realm of power and confidence to succeed. Especially when the inevitable challenges, obstacles or adversity materialize.
The journey towards our best self is in how we manage the challenges & obstacles. We actualize our potential through experience, using all our skills, talents, and capabilities to keep stretching into our progressive best. A priority focused mindset is formed with continual and deep engagement with the belief in our vision & our potential best self to regularly propel us through the short & long distance, focused forward towards what matters most.
“Success has always been easy to measure. It is the distance between one’s origins and one’s final achievement…” Michael Korda
“You are successful the moment you start moving towards a worthwhile goal.” Charles Carlson
Spring is the season of new beginnings and growth, and one we look forward to. If you are still looking for a reason to begin implementing on meaningful and profoundly important goals – then this season is an opportune time. Those are the goals that will significantly improve quality of life. That first step tends to be the hardest, but the alternative of not taking the first step and delaying, means remaining in the same place. To find comfort in the discomfort of being stuck. A rocket ship launch takes tremendous effort and energy, but it also generates the momentum for the journey. While, none of us are launching rocket ships, we can take charge and begin to take that first action step, however small, to create our own momentum.
To begin is to propel ourselves beyond any self-imposed limitations. If we don’t, then the barriers that life and the world inevitably imposes on us – will mount and feel exponentially insurmountable.
Imagine achieving your important, meaningful goals. Can you clearly envision and articulate your priority goals? The goals that will create a positive impact not only in your life, but will make a difference for others in the process. Those are the goals that matter enough to overcome the inertia of the status quo & begin taking the first of any steps needed to achieve them.
Take a page from nature’s playbook this season, and moving forward towards your worthwhile goals.
Your Life Compass Coaching | Success Calibration System™
“I have a dream…” Martin Luther King Jr turned vision & dream into a goal, turning resolve into a revolution beyond what the status quo was in our country. He demonstrated patience with the understanding that big changes are never an overnight achievement. His enduring legacy empowers & motivate us to keep striving & working on what matters. As we pay tribute to his lifetime of dedication for what he started – we also recognize that much yet remains needing to be changed.
Taking that inspiration to a personal level, our own dream begins with a vision. When that dream is formulated into a goal it can progresses in real life, with metrics and benchmark targets to keep us moving forward, orienting us in the right direction toward that vision.
‘Soaring from our vision into real life’
Goals are powerful motivators when they reflect the power of our values, deep convictions, and desires. Our activities become choices that transform us, the way we live and impact the communities that shape our world and beyond. Life goals help us improve specific aspects about ourselves, as well as specific areas in our personal and/or professional life. The pursuit of our goals helps us score internal points, building confidence and self-trust. Goals are about following through on objectives, tasks and the specifics we identified that need to be done to bridge the gap from where we stand in the present, to a future where our aspirations materialize.
Effective goals keep us stretching and reaching towards the vision of not only what we seek, but more importantly the why we want our life to move in a particular direction. We each have a dream waiting to be fulfilled and when put into action that cherished dream can be the catalyst for the change we seek. To invest our creative energy, and resources, fueled with passion and the tenacity of deep commitment, in pursuit of our dreams for meaningful success. That collectively creates a cascade of positive change not only in our world, but in the world at large.
Have you identified what and why you are committed to achieve daily, each month, every quarter, and the remainder of this year? To develop and set goals with strategies & a process to implement them infuses vitality in your daily routine for momentum launching this brand new year and seeing it through to culmination of unparalleled achievement and success in everything that matters most!