Perspective: Success, Failure, OR Opportunity?

Today’s setback, roadblock, or failure CAN become tomorrow’s success.

I have NOT failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work. [yet]” Thomas Edison

Frame the start of each morning as an opportunity to create change, to grow & improve something in your life.

Take that opportunity & decide.  What will your priority focus be today?
So you think you’re not ready?  Then decide WHEN you will be?

We can’t reclaim days that are gone.  But we can choose what we can & will make of today!

August Launch Into A Smooth Week

Awesome August to all this 1st Friday of the month!
Today is a great day to put in place a strategy to make this a stellar month. Start out by deciding on a few things you can do today to prep & launch into a smooth next week?
Some ideas to consider:
1. Review your top initiatives for the month.
2. Identify priorities & sequence of steps supporting those initiatives.
3. Schedule them into your calendar as no miss appointments to work on them.
What can you add to  your success routine for setting a productivity flow.
#Mindset #Wisdom

Spring Forward Towards Your Priority Goals

“You are successful the moment you start moving towards a worthwhile goal.” Charles Carlson

Spring is the season of new beginnings and growth, and one we look forward to.  If you are still looking for a reason to begin implementing on meaningful and profoundly important goals – then this season is an opportune time.  Those are the goals that will significantly improve quality of life.   That first step tends to be the hardest,  but the alternative of not taking the first step and delaying, means remaining in the same place.  To find comfort in the discomfort of being stuck.  A rocket ship launch takes tremendous effort and energy, but it also generates the momentum for the journey.  While, none of us are launching rocket ships, we can take charge and begin to take that first action step, however small, to create our own momentum.

To begin is to propel ourselves beyond any self-imposed limitations.  If we don’t, then the barriers that life and the world inevitably imposes on us – will mount and feel exponentially  insurmountable.

Imagine achieving your important, meaningful goals.  Can you clearly envision and articulate your priority goals?  The goals that will create a positive impact not only in your life, but will make a difference for others in the process.  Those are the goals that matter enough to overcome the inertia of the status quo & begin taking the first of any steps needed to achieve them.

Take a page from nature’s playbook this season, and moving forward towards your worthwhile goals.

Your Life Compass Coaching | Success Calibration System™